Tahlee Updates / News
This section is updated regularly - Please return shortly for even more updates.
AGM Announcement
The TMI annual AGM will be held on Sunday 16th June at 2 pm. TMI members will be emailed further details.
November 25 2023
TMI & YWAM Tahlee are currently involved in conversations with regard to the future of Tahlee and the current lease.
July 2023
After many years of faithfully serving Tahlee and the TMI board Keith Wilson has decided to step back from the board. Keith and his family have an amazing history with Tahlee and will continue to offer support were possible. Thank you Keith for your faithfulness.
June 25th 2023
TMI held its AGM at Islington Baptist Church and was attended. by over 80% of our membership. Lots of great conversations and catch-ups. All council nominations were successful and minutes will be emailed to our members this week. Please keep praying for the Tahlee property and all the ministries that take place there.
May 2023
To all friends of Tahlee. The TMI board would like to invite you to join us for prayer for all things Tahlee over the weekend 19th-21st May.
Prayer suggestions
Prayers for the Tahlee property - that the property will continue to be restored as a place of kingdom ministry.
Prayers for the TMI board and the management of the current lease with YWAM.
Prayers also for the TMI council in our final preparation for our upcoming AGM – (members will be emailed 29th May re agenda etc)
Prayers that the Tahlee property will physically prosper and that the many needs of the property will be overcome.
While praying if the Lord gives you a word of knowledge or insight, please let us know via tahleeministries@gmail.com
April 2023
Our AGM date has now been set for the 25th June. More information to follow via email for our members. We will be welcoming some new faces to the TMI board, praying for the Tahlee site as a place of ministry and discussing some new things for the site 😀. Please note that only paid and current members will be allowed to participate in our AGM.
February 2023
Hi everyone, this email is to let all our current members know that everyone’s 2023 membership fees are now due.
As yet we have not set a date for our AGM but do plan for this to be in June. More to come on this.
Our AGM will be informative as well as a time for prayer. Please note that only paid members are able to participate in the AGM – we will therefore leave membership renewal open till the end of May. (please email if this is problematic; tahleeministries@gmail.com) Current members will also receive an email with further information.
Please also note that you can still support Tahlee via prayer and financial giving without necessarily becoming a member. At the top of the page is a green ‘support Tahlee’ button.
January 2023
Hunter Baptist Churches YA retreat
February 2023
John Starreveld TMI board member is taking on more responsibility with ‘Stand Tall’ and as such has resigned from his casual vacancy. “I have appreciated the opportunity, however brief, to be part of the TMI Board and wish the Board well in all its endeavours to move Tahlee forward.”
God bless
John Starreveld
November 22 2022
TMI council and YWAM Tahlee leaders meeting.
24Th October 2022
A huge thanks to Ken Wellham and the team for their work on the ablution block next to the hall.
13th October 2022
Over several days these past few months, we have had the amazing Betty and Lindsay McKenzie - Ann & Barry Anlezark, and Keith and Ann Wilson helping process old TMI content. Well done team! 😁
1st September 2022
We have a couple of new board members filling casual vacancies. Jump over to the TMI board page and check out their BIO.
Friday 5th Aug 2022
TMI and YWAM Tahlee boards met together to pray and connect. This was a productive time of hearing from YWAM Tahlee with regards to the management of the property. We discussed recent wins, challenges, and next steps. A big thank you to YWAM Tahlee for their transparency and their ongoing desire to see the property managed and restored. Now that the world is returning to a new normal, please be praying for YWAM Tahlee and their Discipleship Training School (DTS). The best thing for both Tahlee and for YWAM Tahlee is for an influx of students. Help spread the word - DTS info can be found here.
Thursday 26th May TMI and the YWAM/Tahee leadership met with the Honourable Taylor Mitchell Martin, parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter. We met at Tahlee walked the property and discussed the many ways Tahlee could be supported.
2022 AGM
Our Annual 2022 AGM on the 26th of June was a real highlight with over 3/4 of our TMI members participating. We were all so grateful for a beautiful day so that we could engage in a tour of the property. TMI members should now have received an email with the meeting minutes.
The Hon. Taylor Mitchell MARTIN,
Youth Camp April 2022
Reminder (26th April 2022)
For all current members, your 2022 annual contribution is due by the 20th of June. After this date, you will be moved to the non-member friends of Tahlee list. Please note you can still financially and prayerfully support Tahlee without being an actual member 😁
2022 AGM Date = Sunday 26th June 2 pm @ Tahlee.
This year we are hoping for better weather so that we can take a look at the property and spend some time in prayer together.
2022 April
The Tahlee ocean pool will be worked on - photos coming shortly.
28.2.2022 TMI Meeting
On Monday 28th February the TMI board met at Tahlee. With the YWAM staff, we walked around the property discussing its many facets - particularly with regards to the physical state of the buildings and grounds. It was great to also see the renovation work YWAM/Tahlee had completed (image to the right).
Like many other organisations, the last 2 years due to the pandemic have been very hard on YWAM/Tahlee. Now that things are improving, please be praying that YWAM/Tahlee will be able to revitalise their discipleship training schools.